Mar 15, 2007 00:03
Back from Vancouver! Larry and Schroeder are still alive. They are both talking about twice as much as they were before I left town. Yakity yak all day long from both of them. I've got my work cut out for me to get back to peace and quiet, lots of shushing and "To whom are you talking?"s to be handed out. Larry was all like, "Schroeder sure is talking lots today." Yeah I know. Wonder why!?
Larry has an interview Friday at Dell and another one on Tuesday in Austin, TX. I think it's his first time to interview directly with a company instead of a recruiter. I'm excited as is he. He's also coming down with a killer cold and is somehow in between sizes of his suits (he has two; one's too big, the other too small). I got some of every kind of cold medicine I could find from the drugstore. Has anyone else tried the zinc lozenges?
Vancouver was very cool, but kind of intimidating. It was exponentially bigger than any other city I've been to. If I lived there, I would be fat (from all the maple candy), poor (from the salons and spas on every corner), and well groomed (see previous). And probably slightly depressed from all the drizzly grayness. The wedding was great, but mainly it was nice to see reBexOr and Mr. Bex, Leah, Will, and Margaret. I was afraid I would be miserable without Larry to boss around. But everyone pitched in and I had a great time. Will drove the most yellow car ever while Leah navigated. Margo and I talked and vented off and on. Mr. & Mrs. Bex managed to be awesome host/ess while doing the whole wedding thing. So, A+ for the whole trip.
Additional props go to Larry for not squishing Schroeder, and to Cindy for a Saturday morning assist while Larry ran his 1/2 marathon.
Lastly, a word about false eyelashes. OUCH. That is the word.