HSM Challenge #1

Nov 11, 2007 11:17

Welcome to the High School Musical Fan Fiction Challenge Community! I'm not a newcomer when it comes to challenge communities, and I've learned that they are most successful when there are certain ground rules. It's going to be pretty strict and structured here, but we'll still have PLENTY of room for creativity. And that's the point, right? So here's how things are going to work here. Please take the time to read this before you decide to join.


All challenges will be posted on the Monday of that week. Challenges can be prompts of any type, words, phrases, quotes, lyrics, scenarios, pictures, etc. that you feel can be applied to the writers' favorite characters and pairings. If it is a quote, word,or phrase, it does not have to be included in the entry unless specified by the person in charge for the week. Challenges can be specific to certain characters or situations in the HSM movies. Keep in mind that not everyone is a huge fan of the same characters/pairings you are, though. Eventually, you will notice a pattern in the entries, whether most people choose to write about Troy/Gabriella or that most stories are Sharpay-centric, and you will be able to pick challenges for specific characters more easily. For the time being, let's also try to stay away from challenges specific to Slash couples so as to not offend the other members. Entries involving these relationships are perfectly fine.

Entries may be a one shot or a story that  you decide to expand on, but this should be done on a later date. This is the perfect opportunity to show people the talent you have, but don't leave a cliffhanger in an attempt to create an audience for your newest fiction. All entries will also be posted Anonymously. How is this possible? There is a livejournal that has been created to post your entries under. The username is hsmsubmissions and the password is musical4. In the past, this has worked out very well, but if people are abusing this second journal repeatedly, we will have to resort to other measures. Entries will be posted here with everything after the first paragraph under a cut to make it easier to navigate this page. No entries may be posted on another site or another journal until voting has concluded and a winner has been declared. This ensures that everything is done unbiased. The title of your entry should be HSMC# and then the number of the challenge followed by the title of what you wrote. I.E.: HSMC#1: Start of Something New.

All entries that you would like to be included for the challenge must be posted by midnight on the following Friday. I live in the Midwestern US, so we will be going by Central time. I'm sorry if this incoveniences any of you, but I assure you that it won't be too difficult to figure out what time it is for where you live. Voting will then begin on Friday night or Saturday morning, depending on when I get it up. For the time being, I will only post polls for voting. I hope to always use polls, so I figure that if I post them the first couple of times, eventually people will understand how to create them themselves. Voting will conclude at 6 PM on Sunday to give everyone enough time to read the entries. The winner of that week will then be notified and will be responsible to post the next challenge on Monday. Please do not submit an entry to your own challenge.

Special challenges may be posted for holidays or special events related to the movies. I will let you know if I plan on doing this in advanced.

I think this is everything, so, in that case...

HSM Challenge #1

To keep everything fun and easy this week, I've gone with a quote from a prompt book I own that can be applied to anyone and will hopefully make for some comical entries. It is:

"Heads, we get married. Tails, we break up. How's that?"

I know this is a lot to remember, but after a while it will become a second nature. Remember, be creative and have fun.

Questions? I'm the moderator, Kelly, and you can always reach me at mk33066@sbcglobal.net. I check my email daily. :)

hsmc#1, challenge

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