Title: A Cliched Encounter
Team: Jocks
Challenge: Kiss
Character/Pairing: Ryan, Chad, mention of Sharpay
Rating: PG
Author's Notes/Warning: Implied gay?
"You are all lame," Chad announces as another awkward-brushing-of-lips happens under the mistletoe. He gets up and plants himself under the doorway. "I am going to show you all how it's really done."
Someone enters his peripheral vision, and Chad pulls them into his arms, presses his lips against the other person's and kisses them. And what a kiss it is; there are no fireworks, but the kiss is just perfect and right and...
Chad pulls back, and nearly drops the person in his arms.
As Sharpay shrieks indignantly in the background, Ryan just laughs. "Good morning to you too."
Title: Skill
Team: Jocks
Challenge: Kiss
Character/Pairing: Jason, brief Troy, Chad
Rating: PG
Author's Notes/Warning: A different interpretation of 'kiss'.
All the Wildcats are off-duty, all of them enjoying being in the game room, all of them enjoying not being yelled at by Fulton.
But none of them are enjoying being beaten at pool by Jason.
"How do you do that?" Troy, Mr. Perfect-at-everything, asks, awed.
The brown seven ricochets around before landing in the pocket.
"Seriously," Chad says, pointing his cue at his friend accusingly. "You have to be cheating."
"It's not cheating," Jason smiles. The setup is perfect, and Jason shoots his cue, the cue ball kissing the black eight ball, sinking it into the pocket. "It's skill."