Sep 02, 2004 17:50
i have been writting in this thing entirley too much lately. christ. like everyday almost.awsome. rihgt after i got all packed and everyhting and i was convinced our house was ogign to be blown away they tell us that its not gonna hit as bad as they thoguht. gah. figures. it never hits as bad as u think, but u always have to be careful.kill bill 2 is on. well i took a break writting for like 2hours . lol. kill bill 2 was good. gross, but good. i thoguth it was funny when she ripped out the girls eye ball then stepped on it. lol. wouldnt that suck to have both eyeballs ripped out? john and nancy are putting up more plywood on our doors. now nancy is telling em to walk the dogs. pass nancy...pass. hahah the big green is on. i always think about the kid... ryan i think, when i see this movie. lol. well nancy is being really gay so i ahve to go walk the dogs.