Jul 23, 2004 15:27
i decided i wasnt gonna go to the show cause i thought it would be totally gay to leave sarah hanging plus i ahvnt seen her inawhile so i wanted to hang out. not to mention i didnt want to pay the 10 dollars to get in to the KC. lol. cheap much? i kinda feel bad cause i told people i was gonna go that wanted me to go.lol sucks for them. hahaha. guys im making sooooo much money. i have 543 dollars from babysitting and it only took me like 4 weeks to make it. actually less thna 4 weeks cause i usually take fridays off and i always have saturday and sunday off. hahaha everyone should be jealous. so i decided im buying the new custom board definetly and im not sure what i want to buy wiht the rest of the money yet. gah i have a crush on the band millencolin (i dont know how to spell that). i just got done waching full throtle the charllies angels movie. it was good. im jealous of the angels. they r really pretty. john wants to use the somputer so i guess im gonna go.