I got a new phone this week. (Same number.) It's Verizon's SMT5800 "smartphone". It runs Windows Mobile 6 (I've had the opportunity to play with Blackberries at my office and don't like them), and I've already configured it with my email accounts and stuff. (I'm hoping that the 10MB/month plan from Verizon will be enough for how I use it so I needn't pay even more for the unlimited plan...I dunno, though.)
The really excellent bit is that I'll be able to write my own applications for it very easily, using the same development tools I'm already familiar with for writing Windows applications. This is "really excellent" because the vast majority of mobile software out there (regardless of platform) is utter shit. The wife and some coworkers all think I should work on something saleable. My tendency is to just write stuff completely customized to me instead, although if
this guy's "applications" are any indication, it'd be a pretty low bar anyway.