Dear Gentle Readers,
Hello and welcome to my journal! I'm Heather, aka HS Kinn. I'm an author, a vegan, and an all-around geekette. My journal is semi-locked, but you may find what's public of interest to you. Public things include my thoughts on the publishing industry, writing, progressive social reform, and recipes of vegan-y goodness. I am liberal, Pagan, vegan and unapologetic about any of it.
Er, you're Pagan? What's Pagan? Is that like a Satanist?
NO. If you'd like to learn more about Paganism, I recommend browsing
Witchvox, or
eCauldron. Both sites have good information about the wide umbrella that is modern Paganism.
There's lots of this "
vegan" tag on your journal. Why are you vegan?
I'm vegan, which means that I don't eat any animal-based products. No meat, no dairy, no eggs, no seafood, no poultry. As for why I'm vegan, I recommend reading
Vegan Outreach, which discusses animal rights, your health, and the environment. If you want personal reasons...I used to be a vegetarian in my late teens/early 20s. I did it then, as now, for health, environmental and compassionate reasons. But...I didn't take care of my nutritional needs, and I backslid into omnivormism. Is that a word? Whatever. Suffice to say that I developed a dairy allergy and the ensuing health crap was enough to prod me back to what I should have been doing all along. The moral of the story is, take care of your body, whether you're a veg*n or an omni.
And eat your veggies. If they're not tasty, you're not cooking them right. Go peruse
isachandra's journal and site and find some nummy recipes.
There's a lot of the "
ePublishing" tag on your journal too. Why not regular, traditional publishing?
I opted for ePublishing over a more traditional model because I feel that indie/eBooks offer more creative control and interesting content. You can try things in indie/e that traditional houses won't let you do, especially as a newbie author. That's not a criticism of them per se, merely a reflection of how I want to express myself as a writer. There's a certain DIY aesthetic, a thrill of making something of your own entirely that appealed to us in the inner tea circle, when we founded Aphrodite's Apples. We knew we could attract more attention collectively for our individualist titles than if we begged and scraped alone. Not that there's anything wrong with it if you want to take on NY by storm - it just wasn't my personal goal. Aphrodite's is defunct now, but I still read and write eBooks.
All original fiction © 2005-present by H.S. Kinn, all rights reserved.