Smart Bitches review made me laugh so hard I coughed...ok, all laughing makes me cough, but it was worth it.
For the authors and feminists on the f-list, here's a deep thought for you: From the article: Still Life scribe A.S. Byatt bitched about the prize to the Times of London, saying, "Such a prize was never needed" because it ghettoizes women's literature...[However] In the past ten years, three women have been awarded the
Pulitzer Prize for fiction (for those counting at home, that's 30%).
I don't know how I feel about this, honestly. I write romance, which is the red-headed stepchild of the publishing industry, and the most poo-ed on of all genres. Like it or not, if your work is oriented toward women's issues, you are ghettoized. (Romance sells more than half the paperbacks in the USA, btw) I had my MIL tell me that she didn't consider my work romance, and she meant it as a compliment, because in her words, "It has a plot."
I'd also like to add that when I met Susan Sizemore at a convention she straight up told us that if you're a woman and you want to write something other than romance, it's not bad to write the romance first, because it's much easier to get your foot in the door there, and then branch out into other genres.
There are actually a lot of romances that have plots now, that don't center on sheiks or sekrit babies. But that's a rant for another day. I guess this is like my feelings on the Romance Writers of America, where I agree with the goal, but I'm not so thrilled by the execution. So what do you think, f-listers? Does having our own award put us in our own lipstick ghetto? Or are we liberating ourselves from sexism?