Inverted Mirror

Jun 22, 2009 12:36

Please link to other 2 applications that you've voted (if there's no one left to vote, state here): kore   sore


Name: Valerie

Age: 14

Country:  Indonesia

Stamped as (if can, please link to your general application too): Morimoto Ryutaro

Are you…

Patient or impatient? between both

Optimistic or Pessimistic? optimistic

Talkative or Quiet? talkative when you get to know me, but at first I'm quiet

Industrious or Lazy? both but more Industrious

Able to accept negative comments or not? yep

What are you usually like when…

You just woke up? still half asleep, so don't ask me questions like ' how many is 2 x 7'

You’re eating? I eat a lot, like a monster (some of my friends says so)

You’re taking a bath? normal

You’re tired? I'll become silent

What do you often…

Wear when you go out? shorts, sneakers, flip-flops, layered-clothes (tank-tops with vest or
jackets), necklace and  bracelets(always)

Order when eating out? desserts!

A phrase you often say? OMG! really?

Something you’ll will absolutely never do?smoke,drunk,sex before marriage

Do you like...

Eating in general? yep, love food!

Sweets?  ABSOLUTELY no need to ask

Raw meat? err..okay

Foreign Music, other than Japanese? yep ^^

Being in a group or being alone? group

Amusement Parks? sure, it's fun!

Movies? sure

Video/Techy Games? yeah!


Who in HSJ is exuding friendliness? Yuto

Who in HSJ is a bit weird for you? *no offense*Yabu

Who do you think would be your HSJ TWIN? no idea, I hope it's someone from 7 ^^

If you’re a fruit what will you be? kiwi?

Did you answer ALL the questions honestly? yep

Anything else you want to add?!! ^^

eviltwin: yamada ryosuke

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