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MC: Luna
Members: Izzy, Kevin, Mika, Yan
Hey! Say! NEWS
- Summary 2011 Started
- 3 News Videos [1] [ 2] [ 3]
- Takaki doing trapeeze with Chinen!?
- Yamada and Daiki doing tightrope.
- Smurfs
- Yuto getting owned by a 9 year old.
- Other 9 HSJ members apologizing for Ryutaro
- HSJ New Single "Magic Power" Releasing September 21st!
- LE 1 - HSB's School Days and DVD w/ Magic Power PV and Making of Footage
- LE 2 - HS7's GET!! and DVD w/ 30 minute footage from HSJ & Yuuki100% Spring Concert in Nagoya
- Regular has Beat Line, Nemuri no Mori, and Be Alive + Karaoke tracks
JUMP Solo Corner - Morimoto Ryutaro
- Ryutaro will be back! (Someday) [ 1] (Credit: kenken18)
Blast from the Past
- Ryutaro pranking Yamada and Yuto [1]
- Last week's question: What do you think of Ryutaro’s suspension?
- This week's question: Who would you choose from HSJ to be your Romeo?
Comment with your answer to this week's You-tachi question and your answer might be read in next week's podcast!
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