[Fanfic] My Knight in Shining Armor [chapter 6]

May 10, 2009 22:54

Title: My Knight in Shining Armor
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Arioka Daiki x OC
Summary: Is it possible to trust or even to love again? That is what goes through Arioka Daiki's head as he constantly tries to forget about her. Friends since forever, and suddenly she was gone. If they were so good friends, why did she never write or call him? He had decided to finally forget about her and all that was going just well...until she returned ten years later. Secrets uncovered and hidden feelings back and in action?
Author's notes: Sorry for the long wait! Hope you like it! ^^;;

"This is your old home!" accused Daiki, when they stopped in front of the gate.

"Oh yeah. We bought it back," she smiled in return, sticking the key inside the hole. "I'm home!"

The only thing that returned Emi's voice was the sound of someone singing.

Emi, looking confused, started walking towards the source of the sound, Daiki trailing behind, trying not to make it seem so obvious that he was gawking at the differences between the house now and how it looked before.

As the two got closer to the sound, Daiki suddenly stiffened. He recognized that voice.

He would be able to recognize it anywhere.

"Mom? What are you doing?"

"Oh, hi, honey! Welcome home!"

"Hello there. You must be Emi," said a man sitting next to Emi's mom at the dining room table, where there were many papers and cds scattered across it.

"Uh, yes."

"Emi, this is Tsunku-san of Hello! Project."

"Oh. OH. Hi. Nice to meet you! It's a great pleasure meeting you. I've heard so much. Thank you for coming."

As Emi's mom started going on about the things she did while in America, Daiki just stood there awkwardly in the back, his eyes focusing on the glass cabinet in the hallway that was filled with numerous awards and certificates of Emi.

"Daiki, you can go up to my room. I'm sorry about this!"

Before Daiki had time to turn around, Emi was already standing by Tsunku and her mom, smiling politely.

He blinked and started walking slowly up the stairs. After all, he did know this place backwards and forwards.

Upon entering her room, Daiki's eyes first flew towards the big collection of music cds, which consisted mostly of American singers. His eyes widened when he noted the Justin Timberlake cds, and widened some more after pulling it out from the shelf and seeing the squiggly lines that was his signature.

When he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, Daiki hastily stuffed it back in and straightened himself up.

Emi walked in, shutting the door behind, face still flushed. "Sorry about that. My mom...yeah. Obsessed with my career."

I know. I know your mom is like that. I know everything about you! "Oh."


An awkward silence came about them and Daiki felt a strange obligation to say something.

"Well, we should get started." Emi walked over to her desk and turned on the computer.

"Oh...yeah." As Daiki started following her, something glittering in the light caught his eye and he turned his head around to see.

A necklace in the shape of a sword.

He didn't want to stand there gawking at it like an idiot, but that was exactly what he did until Emi noticed.

"Y-You still have this thing?" blurted out of his mouth before he could stop himself.

"I thought you didn't remember."

"Uh...just thought of it."

Emi's mouth turned up in a smile. He did remember. All this time. "Of course I kept it. You were my knight in shining armor."

"Remember that time I was saving you and then I fell off the pole and you ended up trying to save me?" Daiki grinned at her.

If Emi felt any surprise at all about Daiki actually acting like himself again, she didn't show it. "How could I forget? I jumped off and almost broke my foot. But then you caught me."

"An old lady watching thought we were crazy."

"We had some great times."


Suddenly the memories of Emi's betrayal and everything that pained Daiki's heart most returned and his grin faded. "But the past is the past."


"We're not friends. Not now, and never again. Got it?"

The brightness that had lit up Emi's face a few seconds ago faded. "Oh."

Daiki opened his backpack and took out his books. "Let's get started." He didn't need to relive that part of the past. It hurt too much.



"Okay, you're all dismissed. Have a good day."

"Thank you, sensei!"

"Ah, Emi, do you mind straightening that book shelf in the back corner? It won't take that long."


Soon the whole classroom was empty except for Emi. The day seemed to have dragged on and on but no she could go home and be depressed all she wanted.

As she exited the room, three girls were standing in front of her: Chiaki and her gang.

"Emi-chan! Just the person I wanted to see!" she smiled. "I have something for you! come with me!"


But before she had chance to decline, she found herself dragged down the halls until they came to a stop in front of a door.


One of Chiaki's friends opened  the door and Emi was thrust inside, ice cold water suddenly spilling on top of her.

"Oi! What-"

The door slammed shut and she heard the click of a lock.


"This oughta teach you to stay away from my boy," was the last thing Emi heard before silence. She looked up and saw a bucket hanging on the edge of the door.

She was locked in a broom closet.

And she didn't have her bag with her either. No cell phone. No means of communication.


After minutes of screaming and pounding on the door and no response, Emi stopped and sat down on the floor, hair and clothes dripping wet.

Her life just got worse. .

A/N- the "W" key on my laptop is malfuctionting so if any words are missing Ws i'm sorry...oh and comment are love as always! <3

fanfic: my knight in shining armor

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