Title: Wishing for you upon a starry night sky
Pairing: Nikayama (yamada x oc [meee]), Keito x oc (Kayleigh)
Rating: PG-15 (for langauge??)
Summary: Yamada ryosuke. An Idol in Japan who dreams, and asks the skies to meet his 'perfect someone' soon. Nicole a girl, who likes JUMP, and her idol is Yamada Ryosuke , and is best friends with Kayleigh, who is Keito's girlfriend. she also dreams and asks the skies to meet her 'perfect someone' soon. Both of them meet by coincidence, and end up staying 3 moths and a week together, with kayleigh and the rest of JUMP.....will they become more than just friends?? Will they know that the other does esactly the same as the other every single night??? what will happen when is time for Ryosuke to leave???
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Title: Wishing for you upon a starry night sky
Pairing: Nikayama (yamada x oc [meee]), Keito x oc (Kayleigh)
Rating: PG-15 (for langauge??)
Summary: Yamada ryosuke. An Idol in Japan who dreams, and asks the skies to meet his 'perfect someone' soon. Nicole a girl, who likes JUMP, and her idol is Yamada Ryosuke , and is best friends with Kayleigh, who is Keito's girlfriend. she also dreams and asks the skies to meet her 'perfect someone' soon. Both of them meet by coincidence, and end up staying 3 moths and a week together, with kayleigh and the rest of JUMP.....will they become more than just friends?? Will they know that the other does esactly the same as the other every single night??? what will happen when is time for Ryosuke to leave???
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http://nikasantos.livejournal.com/17519.html[2/3] -->