Title: The Eighteenth Camera
aemrith Pairing: Nakajima Yuto / OC [Umiko Louise a.k.a Ruu-chan]
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Drama
Plot: The title says it all folks. It’s pretty short so yeah, I don’t really know how to summarize it. This is told from Ruu’s point of view.
A/N: Okay, I know Yuto's Birthday is done, but I just wanna share this still. I was trying to finish this before August 10 goes, but obviously, I didn't really make it. Oh well, in other parts of the world, it's still August 10 right? haha!
Warning: I apologize if it seems a little boring, or too simple. I did this in a flash actually, didn't really get to do more research. haha!
The Eighteenth Camera xXxXx
Gotta love Yuto! haha! Hope you'll enjoy this. Thank you!