[Drabble-Shot] Nanimonai (Nothing)

Jul 19, 2011 10:24

Title: Nanimonai (Nothing)

Author: andreecynthia

Word Count: 897 words

Pairing: YamaJima (Yamada Ryosuke x Nakajima Yuto)

Rating: PG

Genre: angst

Summary: He and I, Nakajima Yuto and Yamada Ryosuke, have known each other since preschool. It’s always been fun with him; sharing lunches, exchanging notes for homework, running home in the rain together, sharing headphones each time he got a new song and wanted to share it with me. I couldn’t help but smile at each and every moment.

Beta: andreecynthia  <- oh look, it’s me.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the members that are mentioned in this entry.

A/N: well, I forgot that I knew how to write angst…

“It’s okay, Ryo-chan. She just doesn’t know what she’s missing! You’re a great guy! And you know even I would fall for you. I’d be the luckiest guy in the world if I ever had you!”

p: yamada/nakajima, a: andreecynthia, media: fanfic, type: drabble, r: pg

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