Title: One-Worded Series - Series 1 - Hey! Say! BEST
andreecynthia Word Count: 571
Member & Pairing [in order]: Yabu Kota: YabuJima, TakaBu, YabuNoo, YabuHika, AriBu
Rating [for this series]: PG
Genre [for this series]: fluff, humor, romance
Summary: write words in small pieces of paper and pick out 5 words (for 5 members). Each word has to be written. None can be skipped. Then write down all of the member’s names and choose one to write about. There will always be one left, so it will be your choice to repeat a pairing, use a person from another group, use an OC (original character you made up), or use an FC (fictional character that is from a drama).
andreecynthia <- oh look, it’s me.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the members that are mentioned in this entry.
A/N: this one-worded series will be ranged with other groups including NEWS and KAT-TUN. Ratings and genres will be mixed around depending on the word. Any ex members/split groups from these bands are allowed as well (meaning that NEWS can be considered as a 9-member group and KAT-TUN can be considered as a 6-member group, but if you don’t want that then don’t do it.).
A/N 2: I split up JUMP to make BEST and 7.
“Ew~ Yabu we don’t want to hear that!” ~~~
“It’s her natural instinct.” ~~~
“They’re my weakness.” ~~~
“Come on, you know this.” ~~~
“But I want to.”