Title: From the Other Side (Misunderstood Part II)
andreecynthia Word Count: 1,622
Pairing: OkaYama (Okamoto Keito x Yamada Ryosuke), one-sided!MoriYama (Morimoto Ryutaro x Yamada Ryosuke)
Rating: PG-15 - slight smut
Genre: angst, fluff
Summary: “Just admit it that Keito doesn’t like you.” - Ryutaro
Beta: self-beta-ed
Disclaimer: I OWN NO ONE!!! But I do own my story…since it came from my brain…and that’s mine too.
A/N: just love, no hate, comment, kay?
A/N 2: Sequel to
Misunderstood - you’re going to have to read that one before getting this one
A/N 3: for my Puddin’
xamuletheartx demanded a sequel xDD
A/N 4: what the hell did I just write…
Warning: slight rape
“Now why are you chasing someone who doesn’t even want you, hmm?” Ryutaro stepped closer as Yamada stepped back, taking many steps until Yamada’s back hit the wall of the room. “Just admit it that Keito doesn’t like you.” _______________________________
Title: Not Meant to Be
andreecynthia Chapter: One
Word Count: 1,419
Chapter Name: Enchanted Morning
Pairing [for whole series]: TaDaiki (Takaki Yuya x Arioka Daiki)
Characters [for this chapter]: Takaki Yuya, Arioka Daiki
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, fluff, romance, angst
Summary: Waking up one morning, Arioka Daiki chooses to go outside in his balcony, only to end up meeting someone by the name of Takaki Yuya. He just doesn’t know the reason why he was there in the first place. Only later does Daiki find out the real reason, but is it a good one?
Beta: self-beta-ed
Disclaimer: I OWN NO ONE!!! But I do own my story…since it came from my brain…and that’s mine too.
A/N: just love, no hate, comment, kay?
A/N 2: a new multi-chap ^-^
Chapters~ I’m assuming I’m waking up - early. The sun is just now peeking over the horizon, the stars were fading from the sky, and I glance around my all too familiar room. Through my night-blind eyes I’m still able to comprehend what went where...