Title: Keito’s Nickname
andreecynthia Word Count: 100 words
Pairing: OkaMori (Okamoto Keito x Morimoto Ryutaro)
Rating: G
Genre: fluff, some humor?
Summary: “Ne~ Ryuu-chan~ why don’t I have a nickname?” - Keito
Beta: self-beta-ed
Disclaimer: I OWN NO ONE!!! But I do own my story…since it came from my brain…and that’s mine too.
A/N: just love, no hate, comment, kay?
OkaMori-a-thon anyone? :D
"Ne~ Ryuu-chan~ why don't I have a nickname?" __________________________________
Title: Academy!
andreecynthia Chapter: One
Word Count: 1,819
Chapter Name: Day One
Pairings [for this chapter]: implied!YutoChii (Nakajima Yuto x Chinen Yuri) , implied! YamaChii (Yamada Ryosuke x Chinen Yuri)
Characters [for this chapter]: Yamada Ryosuke, Nakajima Yuto, Chinen Yuri and Okamoto Keito
Rating: PG <-- can rise later
Genre: AU, humor/comedy
Summary: Yamada Ryosuke is the student council president of Hiroshin Gakuen. As an elite school he’s sick of everything and everyone in it, since the council just happens to be the ones who solve all of their problems. Until some guys show up and turn his life around.
Beta: self-beta-ed
Disclaimer: I OWN NO ONE!!! But I do own my story…since it came from my brain…and that’s mine too.
A/N: just love, no hate, comment, kay?
A/N 2: a new multi-chap ^-^
Chapters~ Tis true though, you may think Ryosuke is being a little bitch about this. If you think this now, you’re only half correct.