Title: You’re Worth It
Author: andreecynthia
Word Count: 1,938
Pairing: OkaJima (Okamoto Keito x Nakajima Yuto) and various mentioned pairings
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, humor
Summary: And every day, as long as I get to go with you… ~ Yuto
Beta: self-beta-ed
Disclaimer: I OWN NO ONE!!! But I do own my story…since it came from my brain…and that’s mine too.
A/N: just love, no hate, comment, kay?
A/N 2: note that this was supposed to be dated WAY back to Keito’s birthday. *bows* gomen ne Keito for being late >.<
A/N 3: because xamuletheartx demanded an OkaJima :D aaaaaaand...I LUFF YOU MOARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yabu walked in on Daiki and Takaki getting tape all over themselves while Chinen scolded about the color of the streamers while Ryutaro laughed at the wailing Yamada who was being carried by Inoo. ________________________
Title: Finally
andreecynthia Word Count: 1,054
Pairing: RyuShin (Morimoto Ryutaro x Morimoto Shintaro)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, smut
Summary: there is none…it’s just a PWP
Beta: self-beta-ed
Warning: it’s all smut, from beginning to end.
Disclaimer: I OWN NO ONE!!! But I do own my story…since it came from my brain…and that’s mine too.
A/N: just love, no hate, comment, kay?
A/N 2: for
chibilover14 because she came back from her hiatus!!! I missed you!!!
He turned around, seeing the younger boy's face flushed and his forehead sweaty. Ryutaro bit his lip a little, afraid if he should go any further. The younger boy's gaze was straight at him, chest heaving a little...