Title: Seventeen Sixty Five [Babyfic part1 - Keisuke]
Pairing: Yabu Kota x OC
Length: One Shot
Genre: Fluff?
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unbeta-ed, Death
Summary: 1765 babyfic part 01
Disclaimer: I'd go have my future son audition for Johnny's. And break girls' hearts. JE is not mine.
"Will you leave me if I do get fat?" Title: A Christmas Present
Pairing: Yaotome Hikaru X OC
Length: One shot
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: UnBETAed.
Summary: Handmade stuffs-- that's what Yaotome Hikaru likes.
Disclaimer: I'd go have my future son audition for Johnny's. And break girls' hearts. JE is not mine.
A/N: For Saki
shiroikazex "Mistletoe." Title: Decembers
Pairing: Morimoto Ryuutaro x OC
Length: One Shot
Genre: Romance?
Rating: PG
Warnings: Cursing, A little bit on the adult side (?), Unbeta-ed, Death
Summary: Marriage isn't something romantic, December afternoons are.
Disclaimer: I'd go have my future son audition for Johnny's. And break girls' hearts. JE is not mine.
"Thirty years, then."