Shocked, Pissed and Looking To Help Out

Mar 26, 2008 09:59

I just got a phone call from an old co-worker: Apparently my former admin aide was jumped and got the crap beaten out of him the other night. F is one of the sweetest, quietest, nicest guys I know and knowing that some *(insert the most horrible expletive you can imagine)* did this to him and have basically gotten away with it  - they dumped him on the street where a homeless man helped him to the closest open establishment - makes me want to hit something with a baseball bat.

But I would rather be constructive - since it is more likely to help F.

So: Does anyone know of any community groups that might be able to assist him with some medical bills? F has the cheap Kaiser Perm plan at the old job site and there is a $3,000 deductible to pay before his medical expenses are likely to be covered.

F tends to come across as effeminate when in conversation, but he rarely speaks up in crowds. That plus the fact that we live in a city full of Rush Limbaugh devotees makes me think this could potentially be a hate crime.

Thoughts? Links? Groups to contact?


I just want to say "Thank You" to everyone who has pitched in with ideas and information. I *heart* my friends!

angry, friends

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