She's Killing Me

Jul 21, 2009 10:31

As I start to look around for options for my event handsewing kit...the lovely Katrin from 'Togs-From-Bogs' happens to be setting up a stock of nifty items for her shop. Grand idea...if you happen to live in Europe where her stall will be available. *le sigh* Katrin has been great and has been quoting me pricing for bits and pieces as they come up, but she's gonna want to put together an online store soon or else she'll end up doing nothing by answering my damn e-mails....

For example: Does this little jewel look familar? Check my icon before you answer...

And then there are these lovely little gems. Not sewing per se, but something I would dearly love to have for my 'odds and ends' kit; parchment card weaving tablets. I have had leather cards for years and they are only so-so because they tend to snag on the warp of my projects - not good. These little beauties would be 22 Euro (plus shipping) for a set of 12:

Other items I know I can get more locally; needles, thimbles, beeswax, etc. (thanks
kass_rants!) I am pretty sure I can even convince my husband to make me some sewing pins, since I will need quite a few of them in order to make up a nice 'pin roll' strip.

I have a very nice needle case already and I believe that the same man who made that item is working up some more thread bobbins for me as well. I would like to find some sheers like the ones in the image below (linked to larger image).

I used to have a pair of old-fashioned spring sheers (most commonly used for sheep sheering in recent years, I believe) in a leather case, but those seem to have been lost at some point on the reenactment trail.

PS: sstormwatch, let me in on any cool stuff you happen to find for your kit - M'kay? Perhaps I should volunteer to help you out at an upcoming event...

EDIT: starcannibal (undercover, over on Tribe) posted this lovely late period thimble from the V&A's shops:


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