Confessions of a Turkey Junkie

Nov 26, 2007 13:46

Nope, no silly holiday ‘resolutions’ for me: Just a reminder that it is time to get back on the vegis and exercise wagon.

The problem seems to be that my favorite vegi preparations are all ‘warm weather’ friendly: Fruit smoothies and salads. In the cooler months I crave hot dishes - and sadly most of the vegi ‘heated foods’ I know aren’t very calorie friendly as they are loaded with butter, baked with cheese or heaped with some other bovine-fat-storage food unit. *grin*

I must figure this out….

The exercise is fine - So long as I remember to breathe thru my nose (not my mouth) while out running on chilly mornings. Otherwise I tear my throat up with the frigid air. I am thinking about adding biking to my routine, but the thought of having to invest in new gear has pulled me up a little short: If I thought the wind chill in *running* was going to prove my work out clothes to be sub-par for this season…

Anywho, I need to spawn some serious motivation. Time to start looking at half marathon schedules for about three months from now.

How about this one? Heck, it's close enough to hubby's mom's house that we could stay with her & P before the race!

exercise, food

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