Collar Set

Nov 20, 2013 09:22

The collar is now all set in and looking lovely! The twill pattern has been matched at the neckline and I am quite happy with the scrummy* results! I did the whole thing by hand (the better to control the curve of the attachment and to ensure that the fashion fabric was taken up evenly throughout the seam). My fingers, they are in need of some lotion!

Work on the last bit of hem stitching will be worked up the back seam over the next day or so. This is slow going since getting to the hem involves burrowing under the Whole Weight Of The Cloak (good lord, there is a lot of wool in this thing!) in order to get a nice, even stitch on both sides of the joined seam.

Once that bit is done, I am off and running on the yards of trim that are to come next! I have a few thoughts on how this might be done:

So far #1 is my favorite, with the layers overlapping with a bit of a weave (laid in an over-then-under alternating fashion as the strips are added).

What do you think?

*I blame the boys on BBC's Edwardian Farm for getting this word lodged in my vocabulary after talking about scrummy apple cider NON STOP for the past two episodes. And now I want a cider.


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