So, I am in the process of updating my Steuchlein. Last weekend I did some work with hair taping and played around with a new Wulst roll: I liked the
results enough that I am proceeding with phase 2 this weekend - creating a Wulsthaube/Unterhaube to hold the roll in place and cover it.
As a reminder to myself as I move on with this process, the known components of a complete
Steuchlein (mushroom hat) are shown in the following list. As no extant versions survive today to show us exactly how they looked, or how precisely they were assembled, I am guessing at the reconstruction - just like everyone else…*grin*:
Wulst (wool stuffed roll)
Wulsthaube/Unterhaube (linen cap over the roll - one layer or two is the question...)
Schleiertuch (linen veil..again, how many of these?)
Kinnbinde (chin band), in earlier periods, which makes for both a modesty cloth and a good protection against the dust of the trail.
In my opinion, the Unterhaube or an underlayer of Schleier is what we see covered in embroidery which shows through the lighter outermost Schleiertuch. Once I figure out how many layers I am going to have in my hat, I will work out some embroidery to make my hat pretty!
The manner hair taping that I did last weekend at Korneburg (it was under my hat most of the day, so not everyone would have seen it if you were there), is
demonstrated here. Juliana got her hair taped by the ladies who wrote the 'Tudor Tailor' book and has recreated the experience on YouTube for the rest of us.
I plan on building a cap like the one she puts on at the end as my Wulsthaube this weekend.
BTW - images of the original hair taping, as well as the other hat sessions from the 'Tudor Tailor' workshop held in 2007 in San Jose can be seen on
Flickr page.
Any thoughts, suggestions or input would be appreciated!