The Calories Don’t Count If You’re Eating for Charity!

Apr 06, 2011 11:13

Remember my crazy friend who is making a replica of the Peacock Dress in order to help build a community center in Haiti?

Her equally fanatical fiancée is now selling cupcakes to help fund their project.

Gazes in sugar-lust at the deliciousness; L-R: Lemon, chocolate, vanilla

These little bundles of love come in eight flavors; Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon, Coffee, Caramel, Raspberry, Peanut Butter and Strawberries & Cream.

My mouth is seriously watering just having to retype this…

If you are in the UK and looking for a treat, order some of these! That way you fill your nom nom nom quota AND help these two lovely gals help those in need.

Details on ordering HERE.

Charity never tasted so sweet!*

*/insert joke here about strippers named ‘Charity’, ‘Sugar’ and ‘Cupcake’….


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