Jun 28, 2010 00:48
I want to capture this feeling, to store it away for later, when things get complicated and difficult and I feel hopeless again, so I'll try to pin it down with words. Despite the fact that I know that the path that I've chosen will be difficult at times, it's my choice and I can't imagine making other. When I start to worry that these things will never come to pass, I simply have to look inside myself, at my own inner resolve, and I know that I can make most anything happen if I put my mind to it. I feel so much hope and happiness, even taking the difficulties and the dangers into account. No single decision has felt this right and this good since... since I dumped my high school boyfriend my senior year. I feel like the bubble of hope in my chest could float me off the couch and up the stairs right now. This is... indescribable, and that's precisely what I'm trying to do. I can feel the way my eyes are softly shining at the mere thought, and I know if one were to look at me now, they would be struck by how happy I look. And I am, on every level.