
(no subject)

Sep 03, 2003 00:19

Flat-warming party went off nicely, except that Bill suddenly decided he didn't approve of Fred and George (weird sibling issue that I don't understand; sometimes it's pleasant to be an only child) and starting lecturing them on their parochial outlook, lack of interest in world affairs, etc. Think he offended Alicia, at the very least; she's always had a soft spot for the twins. (Apparently her mother prefers Fred out of all the men she has ever brought home.)

And then Neville and Alicia stayed an extra day, which was really lovely. I never think of myself as an outgoing person-- but even I want to discuss the books I read occasionally.

The amount of Quidditch conversation that Harry and Alicia produce is nearly overwhelming, though.

And of course the journal feud came up in the middle of the party, when we couldn't fight it out properly, especially on top of all the tension with Bill and the twins. Don't want to bring it up now-- I like the happy version of Harry, not the one that has been mysteriously reminded of past woes.

And finally, we have masses and masses of alcohol left over, since Fred and George showed up with a bottle and a half of scotch and a bottle of wine, and Neville produced champagne, when of course I'd spent a good handful of gold on food and drink already. Duelling Society with Ron next weekend is going to be interesting.
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