

Aug 15, 2003 18:08

Living with Harry has been pleasant, and, save for the travails of getting ourselves hooked up to the Floo network, remarkably uneventful. We're still quarreling about the existence of this journal, though; he goes into a sulk any time a tangentially related subject comes up. It makes life difficult for me; assuming that I won't abandon my ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

windtear August 15 2003, 21:20:18 UTC
We're still quarreling about the existence of this journal, though; he goes into a sulk any time a tangentially related subject comes up. It makes life difficult for me; assuming that I won't abandon my project just because Harry objects, I can choose either to endure Harry's sulks, or to sneak around him. And being secretive seems so silly.

You could always give him his own code and persuade him to join in. Perhaps if he feels he can provide a counterpoint, he won't dislike it so much.


hsg August 15 2003, 22:53:33 UTC
I can't just bind him into my spell; I didn't set the parameters up that way in the beginning. And since Harry's objections are largely to do with privacy and the ways each of us is comfortable sharing information with our friends, rather than the actual information I provide, I can't see that his own would do much good, even if he was willing to go through the ritual himself . . .--Hermione.


anonymous August 16 2003, 09:20:33 UTC
Percy genuinely needs the help (or the human touch)
- haha! Methinks he needs the human touch more than anything else!



Ho hum, seems like Ron is in for decisions... ranma151773012 August 19 2003, 22:44:01 UTC
Good luck for Ron and his decisions. Personally I would take the job in far off Asia. Family is forever, opportunities like Japan only come around a couple of times a life.

As to Harry...Tell him that the point of a journal is to actually share your inner thoughts. It certainly isn't your fault we're a bunch of voyeurs.



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