Title: "Ghosts of Memory" (1/1)
luvvycat Word Count: 1,500
Rating: PG13/R
Pairing: Elizabeth/Jack
Warning(s): None to speak of.
Challenge: #8: Ghost Stories
Summary: Sometimes they came to her in the dead of night... faded ghosts of a lifetime past...
A/N: This is a story I started writing for the Halloween "Ghost Story" Challenge (again, another late entry!), and am posting now in memory of my dear father, who passed away four years ago today. I think its themes of grief and the loss of a parent (two, actually, for Elizabeth) make it a fitting tribute for my dad, who never knew about my writing endeavours, but nevertheless continues, at times, to inspire them.
Once again, many thanks to The Charming and Delightful
geekmamaTM, for her last-minute beta of this fic! As usual, this story has been significantly improved by her input, and any residual flaws or errors are entirely my own, and in no way reflect on the excellence of her beta skills!
("Ghosts of Memory")