*waves* Hello to all my long-time friends and all of the new people I've added in recent friending memes, Misha's Rhino hunt, and through the Supernatural fandom. I was tagged by
oddlyfamiliar to do this meme and figured this was as good a time as any to do a meme to introduce myself.
Waaaaaay long answers )
Thanks Goddess, I have no problem traveling to England, Ireland and Scotland, my three favorite countries!
I'm a cat people, and as for an instrument, I would like to learn anything that could make me play in an Irish folk music group!
I don't think it's helpful to judge your reading tastes. You like what you like. You might notice there's a sincere shortage of The Classics on my list. No Dickens. No Russian literature (in my defense, we read very little of it in school but what I read did not lead me to explore it further). No 19th century American writers. Precious few female writers (I DO regret that!). Even fewer writers of color (regret that, too!). No Hemingway or Joyce or Melville.
I like "ancient" literature and modern genre novels with a few others sprinkled in.
I'm sorry that you don't get joy from traveling but I won't tell you what you're missing as I never appreciate it when people try to convince me I'm missing something huge by not being able to do something. I'm glad you still get to enjoy the British Isles. Although they're tiny, they have a HUGE amount of history and modern happenings to make them endlessly fascinating. I imagine there's more than enough to see and do.
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