Sep 28, 2006 19:35
i am so happy. i haven't been this happy in years, and i wouldn't have known it. but the minute you get up the hill you see how far up and out and over you've run. i am exactly where i should be, where i want to be.
sometimes i miss eugene, and sometimes i feel a little left out of what's happening there, but it's a small feeling.
so, turns out that im actually a dancer and a gymnast! thats how fucking crazy this program is.
i can dance, do front handsprings and backbends and bridges and hand/head stands and walkovers and rolls and flips
and before this, i have NEVER been good at any of that. they change your body wicked fast here.
i've been wanting to update livejournal for a while but i haven't known what to say. it's strange, the more that happens, the
less translatable it is to words, specifically livejournal.
i'm in a bunch of plays now...even though freshmen aren't technically supposed to be in productions, somehow it worked out: im peter pan, a girl named indie, juliet, a character from 'assasins', and a few others. which is awesome, because coming in i didnt think id get to. its not like they're major plays or anything, but people are performing everywhere. we just had an upperclassmen auction for a 'school of theater' party, where basically a bunch of people walked on stage half naked, and we bought them. i bought this guy named john diket (i already knew him, he teaches me gymnastics), so we'll see. everybody is incredibly sweet, and nobody is scary or catty.
um, i cant even think of anything else. coming back for thanksgiving will be a trip.