[PRIVATE TO TIDUS, viewable by Rikku]
... Tidus.
I would like to to speak with you.
(OOC: OKAY. So yes, I'm now on hiatus, but I saw that we got Tidus and I had to run in with Braska, because, well, he's Braska and is all 'oh, shoopuf. time for a discussion.' Anyway, I will be on hiatus for a little while. It's... really complex and stupid, I just need some time away to think. And I don't have time to run four characters. One I can handle, but four, not right now. I apologise to Weiss, Yuna, Brother, and Rikku-muns and ask their forgiveness for being a failure on many levels. Can we scene when I get back, if you're not all totally exasperated with me? ,_,; I'll try to get over it all as quickly as possible. ALSO ALSO ALSO
ELVARON. If you app Auron, I'll love you forever (when I get back). Assuming you've the time, of course. ;;~ ... Yes, you know me. <3 Anyway. In a few days I'll be disappearing entirely; my email address is AcerbicFlowers@yahoo.co.uk, though like I said, will be scarce and slow to answer. Thank you all for understanding.)