Jul 10, 2013 00:53
Rules For Authors
1. Stories must be a minimum length of 5,000 words. There is no maximum, but it must be a completed story at the time of posting.
2. Stories may be slash, gen, or het.
3. The central story element must focus on high school.
4. AUs, fusions, originals, RPF and crossovers are allowed, as long as the story is focused on high school.
5. You may not post your story anywhere on the internet prior to your assigned posting date.
6. Your story should be posted on you own journal or website on your assigned posting date. A header and links should be posted to the community.
7. Stories must be beta read.
8. If you're writing with someone else, please provide the username of your partner. It's not necessary for both of you to fill out this form.
To sign up, please fill out this form in a comment:
Your username:
Your email address:
Original/Fandom:(If fandom, which one?)
Co-writer - yes/no: (If yes, provide your co-writer's name)
Slash, het, or gen:
Questions, comments, concerns:
level: minibang,
author sign ups,
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