Art for the BigBangBlackout

Oct 23, 2009 19:58

I suspect most of you on the flist have already seen these paintings and drawings from the bigbangblackout Sirius party, but I thought it would be nice to have them archived here on my own lj too. Many thanks to the BBB mods for all their hard work on getting so many Sirius stories and art! You can find them all linked on the community lj page. :D

Formalities: There are a lot of images under the cut, download time may be long. The highest rating is PG13. Please click pictures to enlarge. :D

I did art for two different stories:

Home by Duck_or_Rabbit!

Sirius twisted in his duvet, sat up, and glared at James through a view of black strands glowing yellow at the edges from the sun falling across his face through the window curtains. “I was comfortably bedded until you came in and shouted your ponciness from the threshold.”

His imagination bucked into life and everything that felt wrong was fixed. His hand that clawed tightly around the iron chair arm loosened and by his third drag, anxiety curdled and faced its death, drowning in hash waves. The exhalation was designed to signal to that relief was in him.

As Sirius rolled down the field, he turned at the waist and came directly upon the Quaffle slicing along his path-a pass from James-and first drawing back his arm, he then launched it across the pitch clean and cuttingly. And it was a killer shot. Typical of James and Sirius' symbiotic play, the Quaffle spun with massive momentum through the upper corner of the keep for the first goal of the match.

But Sirius didn’t care. He couldn’t give a toss what anyone except himself was feeling underneath of a mound of kicking and punching players, at the bottom of which was James Potter who doubtless never wanted to see him and his pitiless temper again.

“Bollocks, will you stop!” Sirius reached out and caught his arm. Regulus blinked and swallowed a flustered little gulp, then shook his head to answer an unasked question.

Regulus looked rather rattled by his outburst, then blushed, and Sirius felt it confirmed in the worst kind of way that he appeared not interested enough to have gone to Regulus with this on his own.

“He's my brother, and sometimes I think he wished I'd just disappear. And it would be like him to try and make himself disappear instead," Sirius whispered. "He's such an idiot."

It was a moment before Sirius noticed that James had wrapped his arm around his back. It made him feel small, and he hunched his shoulders.
Read the entire story here

The Edge of Sanity by Chocolattejedi!

Another angry shout made Regulus whimper and snuggle deeper into Sirius's side. Sirius wrapped his arm tightly around his baby brother and sighed quietly. Even if he had been willing to risk the wrath of his parents, Sirius couldn't expose Regulus to that. He was only four - far too young to suffer through their father's mood swings or their mother's punishments.

Sirius considered it for a moment before nodding. "Alright, come on in. Sit, if you'd like." Regulus darted into the room, his eyes taking in everything as Sirius closed and locked the door. Gingerly he sat on the edge of one of the armchairs and started wringing his hands, avoiding making eye contact with Sirius. "So, now that we're in private, Reg, why should I help you?"

Sirius smiled widely, an action which seemed to unnerve the future Minister even more, "Well that's what people say. I personally believe that Bellatrix is a demon, placed in my family for the purpose of evil."
Minister Bagnold frowned slightly, "I do believe you made a similar comment to me once before, Mr. Black, when you were still an Auror."
"It is entirely possible, Madam Minister," Sirius bowed slightly. "I have often commented on dear Bellatrix's demonic nature, even as a child."

Read the entire story here

art:pencil, character:regulus, character: sirus, art:ink, character:james, art:watercolour, fanart:hp

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