woo hoo!!!

May 08, 2007 14:28

Its been another good season of pool for my team this year. We finished 1st place in our division. Last night we advanced to the second round of the playoffs! Thanks guys for another great season! Here's a pic of my team... Paul, Chip (chips_username), myself, and holding the big stick, CJ.

After pool was over, I hung out and chatted with John (bearxxl) and Brian (kingfuraday for a few hours. I havent been going out as much lately so it was nice to see them.

Going to go see Spiderman this Wednesday with the bears... Really looking forward to it even though I've heard bad reviews about it. i loved the first two so I'm sure I'll like it.

Other than that I've just been working on the house remodel still and of course still playing WoW too much!
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