At the doctors...

Mar 21, 2007 17:04

I hate going to the doctor... You know... Waiting in the waiting room for nearly an hour before going to the actual room where you get to see the doctor. Again after waiting another 30 minutes in this room before actually seeing him. You think I would get used to it, but it really pisses me off waiting almost 1 1/2 hours after your SCHEDULED time before getting to see the doctor. And then when I DO get to see him I only get like 10 minutes of his time??? I begin to wonder why the heck is he always so off schedule??? or does he always use me as a CATCH UP to get back on schedule? Hmmmm, anyway here is a pic of me being pissed off in the 2nd waiting room before my checkup.

It appears I got a ear infection sometime last week and needed to have it checked up. Got a shot and a perscrip for some penicillin. Hope it clears up by the weekend!
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