Jun 08, 2008 18:58
105. TEN things you would leave to your loved ones (and who they are) when you die.
01. Bike-Rogue.
02. Jacket-Rogue.
03. Truck-Rogue.
04. Cigars-Rogue. That’s assumin’ I don’t smoke ‘em all.
05. Whiskey stash-her doctor. But he has to share it with Rogue.
06. Anythin’ else that ain’t clothin’-Rogue.
07. Four words: take care of her-her doctor.
08. My belt buckle-Charlie.
[Locked to Allison] 09. My X-Men uniform-Allison.
10. The cabin in the Canadian wilderness-Allison. [/Locked]
Sorry Cajun, you get squat.
X-Men (movieverse)
with: chase,
with: gambit,
with: allison cameron,
with: rogue