Sweet Lies and False Hopes

Sep 02, 2008 13:26

Nothing ever turns out the way you expect but you keep on trying to reach out trying to go further despite your circumstance. There was never hope when you stopped trying...
So then where does one go from here? Where does the ride end in bitterness? When will the tears stop betraying my soul?
When When When, its like Why only less
My mind has been clear for a while now and nothing good seems to happen its all a question of how much patience a person can have....
woke Up this am and he said no more no more no more with such sadness like it could never happen and I said appaulse, then they words of not yet wait till it happens...
Clap now it seeems to be the only time to do so, because the devil is around every corner and victory is ever a certain thing especially with him.
My life is one huge cycle after another.....................................................................
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