Jul 26, 2004 17:32
Wow, I haven't written in this thing in a while. Let's see what all has happened this summer. Me, Tyler, Jake, Damien, and Jamie all went to Six Flags two weeks ago. Tyler won me a big Donkey (the one off of the movie Shrek) it's so cute. It was funny because me and Damien had to make Tyler and Jake ride the rollercoasters because they wanted to chicken out every time we wanted to get on one. I made Tyler ride in the front of "Ninja" with me and he didn't like it one bit, but I thought it was funny. I've just pretty much been hanging out with Bonnie, Ryan, Kyle, and of course Tyler, Jake, Damien, Jamie, and occasionally Joel. Me and Tyler will have been going out 2 months on the 31st of this month but it seems a lot longer than that to the both of us. Oh yeah, he did the sweetest thing ever this weekend. He bought me a puppy! It's a full-blooded black lab and he's 6 weeks old. We named him Toby (mostly my idea... hehe). Anyway, school is going to start back soon and I'll be a senior! I kinda don't wanna go back and I kinda do. I want to see all of my friends that I don't get to see during the summer. I'm not in band anymore, which I'm pretty sure I'll miss sometimes, but right now I definetly don't. Anyway, I hope everyone has a good summer while they still can. Later!