So.. what happened this past weekend? I hung out with Bonnie after the band banquet. We were supposed to go bowling with Rachael, Julia, Ryan W., and others but some people were in bad moods for no reason and we ended up not going. Anyway, I got to hang out with Jake and Tyler Wilson at their house with Bonnie, Chase, Curtis, and other people. It was boring to begin with, but Bonnie amused me when she yelled at these two girls. Me and Tyler were talking on his bed and he told me how he's liked me for a while and that we should start hanging out together so that made me happy cause he is oh-so-hott ;) I have to take exams tomorrow, but after graduation I guess I'm going to Eric's but I'm not really sure yet. Anyway, congrats to all of the seniors that are graduating tomorrow. I'm gonna miss you guys... well... most of ya'll =) Anywho, I'm excited about playing soccer again next year. I played for 6 years then quit my 10th grade year... and you don't know how much I miss it. Oh well, I will have one more year to play =)
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From Enter value in comment, then copy & paste into your own lj.
0= I don't know you
1= I like you
2= I love you!!
3= You are funny
4= You are cool
5= I don't really care for your personality
6= I want to fuck you
7= You are sexy!
8= You have a nice body
9= I want to get to know you
10= I hope you die
11= Marry me, PLEASE?
12= wanna have sex later???