Jun 25, 2008 08:45
Well, i've done it! Gone over to the darkside...this was worse than my betrayal of my aversion to social networking sites. I've read all three books in the Twilight series, and what's worse, I liked them..Oh the horror!!!! I would have never thought myself to be the vampire book type...even now i'm kinda sick at the thought that I actually read and enjoyed all three of them. But honestly, they were so good.
Still, something sits uneasy with me. I don't quite know the spiritual ramifications of these books...it's so odd. Normally I can understand clearly what is bad and what is good...God's given me a sense of spiritual discenrment. But with these, it's so odd...I feel bad and good at the same time. Uneasy and yet completely at ease. And I don't know which is worse.
And you know what I especially don't like? The fact that they've awoken in me some dangerous feelings...some dangerous memories and overly-dramatic emphasis on things I once found important...like "true love." I've learned to live with reality...not to settle, but not to expect a ton. I know that the love between Edward and Bella is fictional, and a good 3/4's of me is completely fine with seeing it as just that...a fictional love story that was well told and highly entertaining. But a good quarter of me isn't fine with that...the books make me too eager to find my own Edward; tempt me too easily to fall into the trap of feeling like i "need" love...of going back to my old ways that i've fought so hard against. And I don't like that one bit.
Grrr, how should I feel about this? Now I feel relatively calm...tomorrow might be another story. Fact: I like these books. But they also confuse me. And i have no Christian friend to turn to for advice...all my committed Christian friends haven't read these books, and give me no standard of comparison. Should they be taboo? One part of me says yes; they give me that uneasy feeling. Another part says no; on the surface, at least, I can find very little wrong with them ( a few swear words and awkward sex talks being the exception - i've seen worse in kids movies). But the fact that it is advocating the idea that a person's soul can be found in another, can be completely satisfied in someone else, bothers me a lot...
So, to tie this all up, i'm going to have to do a lot of thinking and maybe some praying over how I should respond to these books. Edward is definatlely a lot of trouble. But then again, what does one expect from a non-human eating vampire in love with a co-dependent girl? Siggghhh....