I figured, this is my journal so I will post my Role-play site here. We're currently very small and trying to get more members.
The main Storyline:
Galaxy in peril! After the fall of the personifications of the force, Son and Daughter, all is not as it seems! Left and right the sith and jedi fight on for control of the galaxy. However, now new players are coming into the fray! Worm holes are generating all over the planets and spitting out people from all various eras of the galaxy! Finding yourself in a new world or perhaps an older world, you may never even know!
The Sub Storyline:
Galaxy in peril! With the wormholes opening up all over the place and allowing old and new to collide, the Sith of every era have taken great notice. Chancellor Palpatine has taken great interest in this and is now commanding the Jedi to investigate. The Sith are using them to try and gain an upper hand on the Jedi, while the Jedi are trying to close them and restore balance to the galaxy. Due to this, the galaxy has been introduced to many Sith that no longer exist and those that exist many years later. The galaxy as everyone knows it is crumbling and falling into its self. Master Yoda is trying desperately to control the chaos with the clone armies and the Jedi Knights, however everyone is up in arms. The Senate fights on how to better the republic all while trying to figure out a solution to the mysterious time bending wormholes. The wormholes are creating rules that no one understands. Sith of the current timeline exist but Sith of other are only allowed in the world two at a time. Thus making it harder to track them down and perhaps figure out a stop to the madness that the time bending wormholes are creating.
You can locate the boards here:
endofanempire.proboards.com/index.cgi Join us today and snag your favorite canon character or perhaps create a character of your own design!