Hit by a Semi...

Dec 13, 2004 13:04

Feeling less than great today, some where in between being hit by a Mac Truck and having heart surgery without anasthesia. Today has been positive overall and I've been in a decent mood, just hard to be chipper and my eyes are blood shot from stress. I went and worked at the school for a bit with the first graders then came back here for our SGA faculty/staff/administrator auction. It went awesome, though I think I'm a lil' bias seeing how Ryan Klick and I came up with the idea from when we used a similar fundraiser in HS, I'm just glad that it's going to give a good number of children a little more to be happy for during the holidays. Lex has her Italian oral test today which I'm sure she'll get a solid A on. I just really need for friday to come, more now than ever.

It seems in life whenever I feel I'm on the right track I get bumped off, that's my frustration right now. I >u865<-marshall wrote that... I think I've finally found something I enjoy and it's gone again or there's uncertainty about it and it's wearing on me, and I don't like being a weak person and then there are things I should just be used to by now and know they're coming. As sthe saying goes I set myself up for the fall throughout many areas of my life. Such as RA and many many clubs and not being sure where it all will get me if it will get me anywhere and then not having the GPA I desire. I wish I knew I would be successful and have plenty of money and be able to make whoever I end up with happy in life, I look forward to at least having things established when I'm older, this constant uncertainty pains me.

I'm on Duty tonight meaning it will prbbly be another night of little sleep because I can't ever fall asleep after desk and having a total of 5 hours of sleep in the last 2 nights has me almost certain that I'll be sick for another holiday, which is another uncertain thing about how that will go. I just want to be happy for the holidays, I really want to feel what that is like.

Volleyball starts officially today and due to our scheduling we have to drive to a gym off campus. I just hope I can get my mind set straight and focus on it and actually play well which I haven't yet. Sitting on the bench and watching is one of the things that I hate most about sports so I need to play well. Any time that I have to sit and watch I get frustrated because I can't do anything about what happens. This is a good place to end for now.
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