
Jan 18, 2021 13:11

It's been an altogether too "interesting" week and a half (or so).

Closer to home, we've done a little work around the garden, and a bit in the house, but not much. The weather's been a bit variable. Earlier in the month it was decidedly chilly, but at present it's milder but prone to being a mite damp.

Last Friday we listened in to Piers and Marilisa having a chat and song-swap, which was great fun. We've also enjoyed several online filk gatherings, including over the GaFilk weekend, and an nMC chat afternoon. For now, nMC meetings have become keep-in-touch events rather than music making events, as most of us find rehearsing over Zoom somewhat less than satisfactory.

I've not done much with the radio. In part this is because many of the usual SOTA activators are constrained by curfews, lockdowns and other restrictions, so there's not so many opportunities for contacts. I have caught some GB2CW Morse practice broadcasts, though. I've also joined the occasional online radio club meeting.

I've spent a fair bit of time trying to figure out what's needed to complete the extension, and a day or two also went into sorting out my tax return (but at least that's now done at last).

garden, weather, filk, building, radio

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