Mostly Online Distractions

Oct 25, 2020 20:40

The weather the last few days has been a bit damp. That's made garden work a mite tricky, though we did get a bit done on Friday. We've also done a bit of tidying indoors. However, the main distractions this weekend have been online musical events.

Yesterday we caught a fair bit of the online nOVFF, including the entire Pegasus Awards concert, and two or three others.

Today we also had a short NMC rehearsal, but for some reason our Zoom connection for that really struggled. I expect I'll have to do some investigating. Once the rehearsal was over we switched across to nOVFF to catch a few concerts and the Pegasus Awards announcement, and now we're listening in the back of one of the circles. It's been good to catch up with some folk, even if it is all rather remote.

I also managed three quick SOTA chases, the first in over three weeks. One was a contact with an Austrian operator on a summit on the border between Austria and Czechia, which confused me briefly because the summit reference and callsign were from different countries. The other two were in Switzerland and France.

nmc, garden, sota, weather, filk, radio

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