I dont think i can hate that nazi piece of shit any more, thats alot of hate people

Apr 26, 2005 11:49


Im a 24yr old American male who has something to say to every Arab and Muslim who has been affected by every failed attempt of U.S. "diplomacy"...

Dear Dr. Kareem...

I'm a 24yr old American male who has something to say to every Arab and Muslim who has been affected by the occupation of their country by U.S. troops, the food rations, embargos and every failed attempt of U.S. "diplomacy",

I am sorry. I am sorry that once a great country, the United States, has become the school the instigator of the world. We have stepped foot in a place where we do not belong, not only on Arab soil, but the soil of many countries world wide. We have been fooled, tricked and manipulated by a media that is controlled by mighty corporations, and foreign governments, we have become a slave to the world bank, and only a small percentage of people realize this, the rest are too caught up in the fake world around them, caught up in the lives they think they are supposed to live because they see it on television.

I am sorry that we have ruined countries with great beauty, culture and history. I want to say I am sorry for our values and ways being pushed onto you. I am sorry for all the pain and suffering our leaders have caused your people. These countries' political system has been turned around, and now is a joke. The ones that are put into power are puppets, from both parties. We have other political parties here in the U.S., but you only hear of two, sometimes three but only when they need to take votes from the other guy, and make us think that we have a choice.

In a land where the masses are spoon fed information, and only believe what the mother government is telling them, it is difficult for other people to get elected, if not impossible. I cannot say I am sorry enough for the troubles my country has caused all of yours.

I hope the Arabs will now realize that not all Americans are like Bush, or like the ones portrayed on American television. Some of us actually care, and sympathize to the Arab cause and struggle. If I had one wish, it would be to erase the pain your people have endured from the U.S., Britain and Israel for countless years and the years to come.

I am not Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Catholic or anything else, I am me and I hope that my message is not hidden in the shadow of our religious differences, and that you may take what I have said to heart.

From: Brady Heinz
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