Jun 11, 2006 04:10
In the beginning, there were the People.
In time, one rose up among the People, and became powerful, and ruled over the People. He became cruel and ruled by fist and fear. Thus, he was called Despot, and he said that this was how it should be.
In time, the People cried out to be saved from the cruelties of their master, and another rose up, gathered his friends about him, and cast down the Despot. He ruled with the love and adoration of the People, and his descendants ruled by the honour of his lineage. Thus, he was called Monarch, and his friends Aristocrats, and they said that this was how it should be.
In time, the Monarch turned to excess, and the Aristocrats also, and the People cried out again. The Monarch and the Aristocrats, fearing the People, gave them a voice, and it was called Parliament. And the People were quietened, for they were told that this was how it should be.
In time, the Parliament conspired with the Monarch against the Aristocrats, the Aristocrats with the Parliament against the Monarch, and the Monarch with the Aristocrats against the Parliament, and the People suffered. They cried out again, and they were given Rights, and they were quietened, for they were told that this was how it should be.
In time, the Parliament won out, and threw down the Monarch and the Aristocrats wholly, and said that this was how it should be.
In time, the Parliament convinced the People that some Rights weren't really supposed to be there, that it would be better for the People if they were taken away. And the People went along with it, for they were told that this was how it should be.
In time, the House convinced the People that some Rights weren't really supposed to be there, that it would be better for the People if they were taken away. And the People went along with it, for they were told that this was how it should be.
In time, the Party convinced the People that some Rights weren't really supposed to be there, that it would be better for the People if they were taken away. And the People went along with it, for they were told that this was how it should be.
In time, the Junta convinced the People that some Rights weren't really supposed to be there, that it would be better for the People if they were taken away. And the People went along with it, for they were told that this was how it should be.
In time, the Triumvirate convinced the People that some Rights weren't really supposed to be there, that it would be better for the People if they were taken away. And the People went along with it, for they were told that this was how it should be.
In time, the Despot convinced the People that some Rights weren't really supposed to be there, that it would be better for the People if they were taken away. And the People went along with it, for they were told that this was how it should be.
And then, the People arose and slew the Despot. And there were the People.