Sep 19, 2006 10:53
no. it's not. let me explain:
the pope did make a comment, in the form of a quote, which was insensitive. the quote, for any who haven't seen it is this: Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.
it pissed the muslim world off. 'ours is a religion of peace!'
right now, islam is not a religion of peace. it may have been in the past, and hopefully it will be in the future. but today, in 2006, it is a religion of violence and religion. and the world needs to call them on it.
muslims in iraq have vowed to wage war on the 'worshippers of the cross.' this is not something that a religion of peace would do.
protesters have burned the pope in effigy. this is not something that a religion of peace would do.
a web statement by a muslim says 'we tell the worshipper of the cross that you and the west will be defeated, as is the case in iraq, afghanistan, chechnya.' this is not something a religion of peace would do.
another statement: 'we shall break the cross and spill the wine.' this is not something that a religion of peace would do.
egypt has contemplated expelling the vatican envoy. this is not something that a religion of peace would do.
i say nothing about what the book of islam says. that's not the issue. it can say anything. but the measure of a religion's peacefulness (or anything else) is not in what scripture says, but in the actions of its current and living adherents. and the followers of islam today are either:
1) violently inclined, or
2) passive
those muslims who truly believe that they follow a religion of peace must get up and take the reigns of their religion. they must publicly, loudly, and frequently denounce the violence of their companions in religion. they must control their religion, and make it into a religion of peace.
but today, islam is not a religion of peace. it is controlled by men who want it to be violently triumphant over the rest of the world.