Starting something new

May 26, 2016 22:32

I am going to start using this more and hopefully utilize it to organize thoughts, or get them out there better in this fashion. I have hadd this account for a long time, but never really used it for what it should be.

To start, I have been thinking heavily lately on what this world is ending up as and where religion plays its role in all of this. It seems most of the organized religions are making a muck, and the rest of us have to sort of see what happens. Taking the spectater seat seems not very productive and I think we need to start making it clear that this world was not made for "holy" was for us, including all creatures, to co-exist and LEARN from our existance while on Earth. People are too pre-occupied with themselves, who is offending them, and who they can impose their thoughts and ideals onto and say it is Freedom of Speech.

To start, I am in my 40's and have had a long time to try and see what fits for me when it comes to the dieties. I wear a pentacle, identify as Wiccan/Pegan, was baptised Catholic in my 20's and went to various churches with family members when I was younger. I think I have covered a lot so far....I believe in God/Goddess, Mary, Jesus, The Brotherhood of light, and all of the others that are in the universe. I do not believe in a hell, I do believe in Satan but not like most do, I am not a Satanist since they are not Wiccan/Pegan. He is apart of everything but does not claim souls in pit of fire as I see it. I see our own personal hell here on earth while still alive. It makes more sense to me that way. =)

I had abilities when I was younger, but from fear of not undertanding too much, I lost a lot. I was able to see and talk to someone that was in our house when I was around 4 as my mother told me. I remember the bed shakig and moving at times, and she confirmed that as well. I also remember being able to see when I closed my eyes, so I was told that was me seeing through my third eye. It scared the crap out of me, and I was not able to do it since. I have been told I can heal, and also linked to the old magic of earth based forms.

I have always had a link with Jesus during all of this time, and when I was baptised, I had a lucid dream where I was in a room at my grandmother's the night before and was showered in a beam of white light. I remember saying, "Thank you, Lord" and took it in. Then I woke up. I had always seen that light while awake in church when I was in the classes. It was as if the Christ Light was with me at all times and I was able to tap into it when I needed to. It always comforted me.

I have lately been trying to think of how Jesus would resolve a lot of the chaos that has been going on in this world right now. I know they are all trying to give signs and would love nothing more than to have people resolve it all with love then hate. It sounds like Hippies, but they had that message correct. It is hard to go out into traffic with some of the agressive people on the road and feel inner peace. I find myself thinking I am failing and would not be worth any teachings if I was in his day and age. I know that is something that is reflecting back to me to work on, but it is difficult at times.

I have asked while out and about when I am frustrated, and asked....What would you do in this situation?

I usually get in my head, "Keep the Faith"

Naturally, I say I am trying lol

I wish there was some record other than what is written in the Bible for anything dealing with God and everyone else. I have not always thought the Bible is a good source of information since they were written by people after the fact. A lot deals with hate and anger and that is NOT God, nor anyone associated with heaven. So, I have always wanted to know if there is anything out there that has what happened when Jesus was out traveling. I know there is a huge gap in his life in the Bible, and they do not say why other than traveling. They fail to mention that it had to deal with learning but not everything he did.

So, I was hoping to try and use this now to put thoughts into writing and see if anything comes forward that might be channeled. I am not saying from Jesus or anyone else in peticular, but I know we have a lot stored in our own hearts and know the truth somewhere. I am hoping to make sense out of something since this world is making less sense everyday. 
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