Damn. I am SO falling in love with this show right now. I mean, I liked it well enough last season, but right now, I'm at the stage of totally-going-to-get-crushed-if-it-goes-the-way-of-Alias-or-GG-or-VM type of in love with this show.
First of all? THANK YOU, TIM KRING, for keeping the Milo shirtless for almost the entire episode! *thud* The short crop 'do is totally working for him (farewell, emo bangs!), and-- and--
Sorry. Rendered speechless by remembering the chair and the ropes and the sweaty, wet, glistening-- And the pec twitch--
Seriously. Hottest thing since Sammy's infamous towel scene. *faints away again*
Then of course, there's the fabulous wonder that is the Anders. Yes, Yaeko totally had the right idea in almost fainting into a swoon when Kensei's hands lingered over hers. Okay, so that was mainly down to Hiro's heroic acts first, but still! How can you say no to those
blue, blue eyes? *dreamy grin*
And! And! HE HEALS!!!!!!!!!!!! Evidently, Erin of TWoP totally had it right when she said
he never dies, man. ;)
Well, okay, I have a bit more speculation that, namely that (highlight to read; possible spoilers for the rest of the season, with spec based on early casting notices and such) he's immortal, since the initial spoilers had him playing a character called Kane, who's supposed to be a thousand years old, and I honestly don't think things have changed too much since he's also supposed to be upgraded to regular status after ep 3. In fact, I have him pegged as the one who's killing the first generation, because he was part of that first generation and has somehow gone totally evil or power hungry, and he's trying to get in with the second generation now, but has to eradicate the first generation to hide himself properly. Er. Am I making sense?
Although that theory might be completely blown to bits by the fact that Kensei seemed rather surprised at his ability to heal/not die, pegging him as 400+ years old at most in present day, so I'm not too sure yet. But I still say he's really Kane, and he's the big bad killing first gen heroes, and the one Molly's terrified of.
Also, how cute was he with the "Woe! This is the end!" deathbed (deathground? deathdirt?) speech, and the resuscitation, and the shock and all that??! Hee! Like the glee I'm getting from his every moment onscreen as Kensei can get any greater!
Ooh, and this?
Kensei: Can you make me the hero she sees in me?
Hiro: As long as you stop drinking.
Kensei: No promises.
Hiro: (in Japanese) I can work with that.
Though the Hiro/Kensei storyline is not without problems. Yaeko SERIOUSLY can't tell the difference between black Asian eyes and blue Caucasian eyes? REALLY??! Can they at least not have her staring so intently into Hiro's eyes if they're trying to pull that one? 'Cuz it's not as though that mask conceals that much, and you still can see the eyes of the wearer through that mask, mmmkay?
Okay. Harshing my own squee now. Despite the nitpicking, still loved the episode, though. Mohinder's not that stupid after all! (Yay!) Mr. Muggles totally knows more than he's letting on! (Seriously, Claire! If the dog is yapping endlessly and staring upwards, why can't you look up too? You might just see your new stalker boyfriend flying away in the sky, y'know. Or at least the sonic boom trail he leaves behind, if he's really like your daddy.) Peter still has DL/Sylar/Niki/Claire's powers! (Though the amnesia thing could get old quick. Well, at least we're not stuck with a rehashing of Peter learning to use and control his powers. Or, we'd BETTER NOT BE.)
Oh, also, am I the only one who kept hearing "girl" as "guy" whenever Hiro was referring to "the girl [Kensei] is supposed to fall in love with"? Or has too much HoYay permanently coloured my perspective? No, wait, don't answer that...